
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Just Life Stuff

I’m sorry I haven’t posted any thing new lately. Work and life has me a little busy and it’s been a little difficult to focus on a topic. I do have a couple things written up to post on American history and a something on Scottish Independence. I just haven’t had time.

I work in for a construction company and my job is to bid work and try to get us work. Construction is really slow and we are about out of work. We have been getting under cut on our bids and not winning jobs but I know we are not alone I’ve heard this from others as well in different areas of construction.

I’ve been through tough times before but this is the worst I’ve seen. Our company has had layoffs and if things don’t change I maybe next. Thing is this is happening all over the industry so I probably will have a hard time finding a job.

So I should look at the positives. If I lose my job I’ll have 18 months of unemployment and I can keep my health insurance for 18 months. I’ll have more time to write and sometimes change of career can be a good thing.

There look I posted something. Funny how things work out.


Monday, March 22, 2010

So What Now?

Well the Health Care Plan/Reform has passed and was properly voted on. So now I’m trying to figure out what the hell it is and what it will do, good and bad. Unfortunately none of the talking heads or our politicians is of any help. Because it seems that everyone has a horse in the race, ideology wise.

This basically means we Americans will have to learn it the hard way. If this is the beginning of Socialized Medicine maybe I should move to a country with Socialized Medicine. At least they have it pretty well figure out even if it may not considered the best. I would at least know what I’ll get and how to get it and what will be coming out of my pocket. Besides I always hear that countries in Europe and Canada have more of a mellow lifestyle than we have in America which if true has to help ones quality of life.

Now the bulk of this does not take effect until 2014. In the mean time our government will begin collecting money from people. Sure it will start with the wealthy and business owners. But it will flow down to the middle class and even lower middle class. I have never known a U.S. Government budget has ever ended up under or even at budget. Typically it ends up way more than the original budget.

Now I listen to Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s speech on the floor talking how this is equivalent to the passing of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Really Nancy? How are those programs doing? Not good from what I hear.

Well one thing I do know is apparently America finally has a Queen. She doesn't have to worry about being voted out of Congress and until Republicans regain the House of Representatives no Democrat will stand up to her.

So here's to Her Royal Majesty Queen Nancy I. Just keep spending our money on yourself. No its OK, we really don't mind. We're just serfs working for you. Right?


Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Review of Yeagley's “St. Patrick’s Day Wish”

So I said I would comment on David Yeagely’s blog his post “St. Patrick’s Day Wish” March 17, 2010.

I would like to apologize for the length of this post, just too much to address.

Well, first he starts off by stating how he could not find any serious stories on St. Patrick’s Day and was curious why. He then proposes this question;
"Is the holiday just too ‘white’? Too Western European? Too ethnic, and therefore, to be avoided?"
Well of course he goes right to race. But Yeagley even went deeper. He still could not figure out why there wasn’t more serious coverage. Yeagley said,
"I’m still curious why there weren’t more stories in the national news on the actual St. Pat’s day. I found one AP story, “Irish at home, worldwide cheer St. Patrick’s Day,” by Shawn Pogatchnik, no less. But just the little exercise of having to search for some serious story in the national news made me wonder a wee bit. (Actually, a lot.)"
Are you saying, shall I dare say it? Conspiracy. Oooo, a conspiracy. Yup you figured it out, the Health Care Plan that Congress has been working on and that the Media has been focused on was only a red herring. You’re brilliant! It was President Obama’s plan to screw the “white” Irish Americans. Bwahahahaha! Come on Yeagley the media barely covers St. Pat’s Day. Even the traditional Irish Prime Minister’s visit to the White House on St. Patrick’s Day that goes back 15 years goes on with very little coverage over the years.

Let’s move on. Well he then goes back to the Aryans and the Celts.

Yeagley said;
“Recently, I have acknowleged the view that the foundational Aryan race is not Teutonic, but Celtic. I have looked more and more into this, and considering the available information, I’m more or less convinced.”
Well Aryan was neither. Aryan was classified as a sub-group Indo-Iranian language under the language group of Indo-European. But it originated from a word “arya” as well as deviations of “arya” which meant “pertaining to speakers of Indian/Iranian language.” or “pertaining to ourselves”. In Vedic Sanskrit texts it took on the meaning as of being noble, or righteous and even as of born in to a high caste. In the 19th century a German by the name Max Muller who was Philologists mistakenly referred to the Aryan as a race. He corrected his statement once he found out how people interpreted it. He said "The Science of Language and the Science of Man cannot be kept too much asunder…” In other word linguistics and anthropology should be kept very separate and should not be mixed together.

Then again all this means nothing to Yeagley because he would simple dismiss all this as liberals trying to cover up the truth about the Aryan race. If I posted these arguments at his site I would be called liberal all because I dare to disagree.

Now for the Celts. Celts were not a race, it was a language first then it grew into a social culture that shared a language, religion, and social organization but by all accounts never had a central form of government. But it is mainly the language that connected them but had diverse characteristics. Basically it was a group of many tribes that shared some social characteristics but mostly shared a language. As tribe intermingled and traded with each other and those outside cultural evolutions happened. The Celtic speaking tribes’ culture evolved from the Hallstatt culture in originating in present day Austria in the late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age and the La Tène culture in present day Switzerland in the Early Iron Age. Archeological evidence shows two distinct Hallstatt cultures, Eastern and Western. There seem to be no evidence of a significant cultural break between the Hallstatt culture and the La Tène culture. Celtic tribes were autonomous, they traded with who they like and attacked who the wanted even if it was another Celtic tribe. The Celts as well as the Irish Celts known as the Gaels were never a unified people or nation.

I saw some people who commented to Yeagley calling themselves as Celts. Truth is you may have Celtic ancestry but if you can’t speak a surviving form of Celtic such as Gaelic your not a Celt/Celtic. Tá brón orm ach is beatha teanga í a labairt.

Then again all this means nothing to Yeagley because he would simple dismiss all this as liberals trying to cover up the truth about the Aryan race. If I posted these arguments at his site I would be called liberal all because I dare to disagree.

So let’s get to the Irish. He says:
“How is it that the Celts, the Irish in particular, ended up in such misery by the 18th and 19th centuries?”
“The poverty-stricken, drunk, illiterate laborer–against whom there were actual laws in early American history? The Irish that came to America were truly the bottom of the British barrel.”
Well short answer is it was land grab by the Normans, Anglo-Normans, English, Protestants, a Puritan man name Cromwell and a famine that created a gentleman’s genocide due to English indifference. Pretty much what happen to American Indians here in America. Cromwell in 1649 to 1653 Cromwell went Ireland to bring the Irish under English control and suppress the Catholic Church. By the time he was done half the population of Ireland was gone. Either due to war, disease, or ship of to English colonies abroad has slave labor. By the 1800 Irish were second class citizens in the own country actually if you were Irish Catholic you were a third class citizen. English landlords control the lands and were basically the only employer the Irish have. Irish typically had to rent land and homes from the English landlords. But the English government for centuries really just wished the Irish would go away or die off. When the Great Famine hit in the 1840’s the British government basically decided to due what could be called a gentleman’s genocide. The British government decided to do nothing and let nature take its course.

Yeagley said,
“The poverty-stricken, drunk, illiterate laborer–against whom there were actual laws in early American history? The Irish that came to America were truly the bottom of the British barrel.”
Nothing like throwing in some stereotypes. The only reason the Irish that came to America as “truly the bottom of the British barrel.” Is only because the British government and British social system stuffed them to the bottom of the barrel. Imagine whites discriminating against whites.

Yeagley said,
"The Irish were all Catholic, all Democrat, and all settled north of the Mason-Dixon line.”
Umm. No! This again is a stereotype. A majority of immigrant Irish was Catholic and once in America some even converted to Protestant to give them an advantage. Irish did not come to America as Democrats, there was no such thing in Ireland. Irish look at anyone or any party that would help them. But it ended up the Democrats who courted the Irish. Yeagley should read about the United States presidential election of 1884 and James G. Blaine.

Yeagley said,
“the Irish came to profound success. Though the early days were plagued with violence, gangs, filth, and poverty, with hundreds of thousands of Irish men working in mines, factories, and sweatshops, eventually, they came to own the industries they worked for!”
Umm ok? Yeagley you do know not every Irish neighborhood was like the Five Points as portrayed in the “Gangs of New York”, right? But you forgot it was mostly the Irish who organized labor and created the foundation of Unions in this country. Still like them Yeagley? Hmm, I wonder why you forgot that.

Yeagley said,
“I know to this day Ireland is still used as a haven for international outlaws and rebels of every grade. Mabye that’s prejudicial, but, Ireland is in a constant state of turmoil, it seems. Such a small spot on the globe, it makes a mighty noise.”
Right, another stereotype. I’m sorry is he talking about the Republic of Ireland or British controlled North Ireland. Regardless it’s been pretty peaceful for the passed 10 yrs

Yeagley said,
“But they don’t seem as hysterical as the German people. Their tempers are generally wreak on themselves.”
Hmm. Sounds like Yeagley has an issue with someone.

Yeagley said,
“Perhaps if the Irish could focus on a larger vision, the grand, historical place they should hold, they could put something together in the way of white leadership. Again, I cannot accept the Teutonic approach, and the harrowing echo of that whole Nazi bit. The white race needs something quite different from that drone of disaster. A very different kind of leadership is needed. Let the red heads have a crack at it. They’re not afraid of a fight, for sure… We need rather to see that Irish enegy focused on a broader picture, a bigger goal, like, leadership of the white race.”
Oh good, more stereotyping, fighting and red heads.

So really what I got out of his post “St. Patrick’s Day Wish” of March 17, 2010. Is that this was all about the Nazis screwing up the idea of the white race as the master race. So now he is trying to re-associate the mythology of the Aryan race with the Celts. This is a pathetic attempt to give white supremacy a new white face i.e. the Irish and Celts.

Yeagley said, “That’s me wish fer the Irish, this St. Paddy’s Day. Éireann go Brách!

I say, Póg mo thóin!


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

No More Yeagley, Please

I was surfing the Internet and went to a site that I have abandon due to its tone and the direction its Webmaster chosen to take it in. But I do like to pop in once and a while because I do find it silly and I get a good laugh out what is posted.

This site is run by a guy named David Yeagley who is part Comanche on his mother's side and European ancestry on his father side in other words Yeagley is part Indian and part white. He is an enrolled member of Comanche Tribe but did not grow up on or lives on the Comanche Rez. He is also a follower of the Seventh Day Adventist and is a far right conservative who is totally fixated on race. He believes that races should not intermingle sexually and that whites in America should be the masters and decide what is best for America particularly WASP’s or Evangelical Christians. He even talks about the Great White Throne. Not sure what that is, maybe a toilet?

On his Blog he recently wrote a post titled “No More Nazis, Please” dated March 12, 2010. Now as a follower of history I found it hilarious. He basically tries to portray Hitler as a man with good ideas who lost his way and got off track. But this is typical for Yeagley to get more wrong than right.

He goes on to talks about the Celts. Apparently Celts only have red hair and that they were the true Aryan people. He refers to the Celts as a race. Well, the Celts were not so much a race as in physical identity but a people that shared a common culture, religion and language. Now my understanding is according to Nazi mythology Aryans were blond hair blue eyes and of Nordic origins. Well Celts were not Nordic, they were in central Europe and the British Isles. I believe the Nazis were trying to tap into the Viking thing. The Nazis wanted to be the new Vikings. But what is funny is that Yeagley admires the Scots but has little respect for the Irish and they were both Celts. As of today Yeagley posted on his Blog a commentary on the Irish which I will comment on in another post.

The odd thing is Yeagley profess his love for the Jewish people but yet portrays Hitler as either misunderstood or as a man who started off with a good idea about nationhood but went off track. What I can't understand is how do you say you love the Jewish people and say that the Holocaust was the only real act of genocide but yet quote or referred to Mein Kampf and even once with a link to a Hitler praising/Holocaust denial site. Such as this post called “The Hated White Race” June 16, 2009 Yeagley wrote,
“It seems Hitler had a point when he referred to “the hated white race.” (Mein Kampf, p.325.)”
Really Yeagley what is your fascination with Hitler and Mein Kampf?

Another funny one was his post called “Jihad Jane: Ultimate Muslim Trophy” March 11, 2010 on the American female terrorist knows as “Jihad Jane”. Because she is white blond and blue eyed which in Yeagley’s mind is the ideal physical representation of the white female. And because she became a Muslim and other white blond women are having relation with non-white men, he believes that the white race is dead. Yes that’s right, if you’re a white women with black or brown hair you are apparently not really white. I guess in his eyes you’re a lesser white. Kind of explains his love for Ann Coulter. Now I love the one statement he made in that post. Yeagley said, “If I were a white man,” Well wasn’t your father white? This at least makes you a half white man. So you are choosing not to be white. If you are so proud of the white race and so concern about it why not be honest and declare at least being half white?

One time he posted this article about how two young blond white girls who sang pro-white race songs and he was outraged that they criticized and were condemned for their songs and he posted picture of them. Well as soon as you saw the picture of these girls that were wearing tee shirts with the Have a Nice Day Smiley Face with a Hitler’s mustaches on it. Plus after you read the article you knew exactly that these girls were promoting white supremacist beliefs and members at his own site pointed it out to him, he just continued to defended them as not promoting Nazi beliefs. But only after he apparently he posted about this at another site and it was pointed out how wrong he was, he then quickly recants his support for these little white blond girls. He pleaded ignorance and explained that he didn’t read the whole article. Oh please, you post the picture with Hitler Smiley Faces on their shirts that was pretty clear what they were about. I still get a good laugh out of that.

But that’s what he does when caught, he pleads ignorance and that he is naïve. Yea ok, whatever. You know there is nothing wrong with loving ones owns race, it’s when you begin to hate other races or believe your race is superior to all others is when it becomes a problem.

I’ll give him credit though, he is good at writing things in a way that allows him to back peddle and wiggle out of being accused of anything or he simple pleads ignorance. Brilliant if I must say.

Another hilarious thing is that if you do argue with him and he can’t win he just stops posting or start talking in circles. But what typically happens is one of his loyal members, which are becoming less and less of, will take over the conversation and talk in circles or will simple just insult you depending on who it is.

What Yeagley fails to understand is that the so call white race has never been one big happy white family and never will. We are made up of different cultures and more importantly different individuals who have and will always have different opinions and views. We have probably had more wars with each other and killed more of our own over the centuries than with others.

So with his stereotyping of race, his fixation on race and inaccurate understanding of history all I can say is, No More Yeagley, Please! I can barely catch my breath from laughing my ass off.


Health Care Bill? What Is It?

I can’t believe what is happening in Washington.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi said about the Health Care bill, “But we have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what is in it,”

What?! Oh come on Nancy! That’s the best you can do. You really don’t know what’s in it, do you? If you don’t know what’s in it then who the hell does. Apparently no one does.

Even if anyone knows what’s in it they can’t explain it. I have not heard about one expert who worked on this thing, just politicians and not politicians who are doctors or economist but plain career politicians and just one party politician, Democrat. So have I read the bill? No, I haven’t. Have you ever tried to read a piece of legislation written by Congress much less a 2000 plus page bill? If you’re not bleeding from the eyes and are in need of shock therapy halfway through it, well you a better person than I. But I did watch the Senate debates on the bill and apparently not many of the Senators did.

Now what is sad is that Taiwan when putting together their government run Health Care system put together a blue ribbon panel of economist and heath care experts. They researched other countries Health Care systems and came up with the best plan possible. Taiwan a country that is smaller than the US in population, spent more time on research with experts than one of the largest world leader countries. I mean come on this means Taiwan is smarter than us.

Then look at Switzerland. A country that didn’t allow women to vote until 1971 actually put together a plan and had a national referendum and let the people vote on whether they want Health Care or not. The people voted for it. Then here in America the cheerleader of Democracy around the world won’t even give its people an initial vote on whether we want it or not. A European country that only gave the woman the right to vote 39 years ago is more democratic than us. Is it no wonder why no one takes us serious.

Look I believe our Health Care system needs to be fixed and is becoming too expensive for people. I’m not even closed minded to a Universal Health Care but I just want it done right and thought out. If we’re going to fix it lets fix it together. If we’re going to create Universal Health Care then let work together to create the best plan ever and not some half and half bastardization of a system.

So Nancy, stop spending our tax money on yourself. You are a U.S. Representative not a bloody Queen. If you know what’s in the bill then explain it in detail. If you don’t then it would be irresponsible for you to vote on it.

Oh yea Sen. Reid, I saw the Senate debates on Heath Care. Why were you on the floor so little? Why were other Democrat Senators on the floor had to explain your bill? If you wrote the 2000 plus page bill then why were you not the one on the floor explaining it? Did you write it? Do you even know what’s in it?

President Obama said enough talk, he said it deserves an up or down vote. Yes a vote not a trick to slide it threw without a vote. If it isn’t voted on, it will make our system of government hypocritical.

Oh well a quote come to mind. As the story goes, at the end Constitutional Convention in 1787, a person outside asked Benjamin Franklin as he left, "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" Franklin without hesitation said, "A republic, if you can keep it."


Monday, March 1, 2010

Ray Davies Live Winter 2010

I saw Ray Davies the other night in Atlantic City NJ.

I saw Ray about two years ago and I saw the Kinks in the mid 80’s when they were doing the Think Visual Tour. I’ve had at one time or another most of the Kinks albums. I’ve been a long time Kinks fan.

Anyway Ray has kicked off his 2010 winter tour at the Music Box in the Borgata Casino. He basically was doing a Storyteller show that was mostly acoustic sets with the assistance of a wonderful guitarist Bill Shanley who played acoustic, electric and back up vocals. The opening act was an LA band called “The 88” who were young and really good. They also joined Ray at the end with a full electric performance of three Kinks songs.

Now Ray always likes to get his audience involved with the performance. He likes to get them to clap to the beat of the songs and even sing along and have the crowd do the chorus refrains and this performance was no different. Ray was great as usual and he really wants the crowd to be a part of things even though he was doing less known Kinks and solo stuff. Basically you really had to know your Kinks and Ray’s solo stuff. Even for me who has most of the Kinks albums and two of Ray’s albums there were two or three songs I didn’t recall but it didn’t matter- it was about having fun.

So Ray was great but I was disappointed in the audience. I was center and a few rows from the stage. Age of the crowd was mainly in their 50’s and 60’s. There were a few of us 40 something and younger. But in my section I was surrounded by corpses and I’m not referring to their age but their attitudes. It was like they were watching TV. I saw Ray two years a go in a small theater setting and everybody was rocking and having fun. But this group seemed totally lost. Now there were a couple sections being more involved, like the section to my left. They were up and participating and Ray would keep looking over to them and smiling and almost started playing to them.

I don’t know why they seemed lost and just sat there. Maybe, because it was a casino and most of the people who came in thought it was a lounge act or if they as middle age people who were scarred as little kids by seeing their parents dancing and having fun at parties swore they would never act that way when they get old or they only knew three Kinks songs is why. But even in the end when “The 88” came out and joined Ray on stage to rock out, the crowd in my section just sat there and eventually got up and tried to participate. But man it was sad.

There was this couple in front me and you think they would be rockers. She had blond hair and was wearing a little leather jacket with Harley Davidson spelled out in rhinestones. I would say they were in there late forties to mid fifties. Well, they were corpses, occasionally looking back at me when I would softly clap to the beat or sing along (because Ray asked us to) as if I was bothering them. I was getting annoyed with them and I was wondering why they even came and not just go buy a DVD of him and watch him at home. I said to my wife we should go sit in the fun section to the left. I mean I’ve seen more active crowds at an André Rieu classical music concert with an older crowd.

So look you old hippies and rockers if you think you’re being cool by not being part of the concert, you actually are being boring and looking like a bunch of old folks. Ray is 65 and had more energy and youth than what I saw around me.

I encourage you, if you have chance to see Ray Davies, go! For you young ones you would be seeing one of the great artists that have influenced many bands to this day. And as for you old ones, go and enjoy. Advice to young and old don’t get drunk. One, you might not remember the concert. Two, chances are you’re going to yell things that don’t make sense or interrupt the performance. But you old ones don’t be afraid to let the teenager out in you. You just might have a little bit more fun and fonder memories.