“Levin, a media lab technology teacher at Conestoga Middle School, drew international attention last spring after creating crashtheteaparty.org. The now defunct site had said it was part of a national movement to "dismantle and demolish the tea party by any nonviolent means necessary."
The site encouraged people to infiltrate the tea party, then misspell protest signs, make wild claims during interviews and perform other public actions that would damage the public's opinion of the tea party.”
Are we sure we are talking about a middle school teacher and not a middle school student?
“In a now deleted post on his "Crash the Tea Party" Web site, he called on his supporters to collect the Social Security numbers -- among other personal identifying information -- about as many Tea Party supporters as possible at the numerous rallies that took place on Thursday, Tax Day.
"Some other thoughts are to ask people at the rally to sign a petition renouncing socialism. See just how much info you can get from these folks (name address, DOB, Social Security #). The more data we can mine from the Tea Partiers, the more mayhem we can cause with it!!!!" he wrote.”
How old is this guy? So would it be ok Mr. Levin if someone took your personal information and misused it and put you through hell? Of course it’s different, right? Well maybe it’s just me but I see this as immature and self-center act.
“Levin has said he would seek to embarrass Tea Partiers by attending their rallies dressed as Adolf Hitler, carrying signs bearing racist, sexist and anti-gay epithets and acting as offensively as possible -- anything short of throwing punches.”
Really Mr. Levin, you want to dressing up as Hitler to embarrass the Tea Party? Sir, get a life. You really have nothing better to do with yourself? Are you really that afraid of a group that is basically a Libertarian movement that supports lower taxes and smaller government. Mr. Levin you as a teacher should realize Hitler and the Nazi Party not only was about being anti-Semitic but was Socialist that believed in big government and government control of people. So it’s kind of stupid to be dressed up Hitler and go to a small government and less interference in people’s lives rally, isn’t it? Ah! That’s right Mr. Levin was a teacher for a public school which depends on government funding by tax payers. So big government and taxes is good for them.
When I was in public school many many years ago the teachers weren’t paid much and lucky to a modest pension. I remember that it wasn’t uncommon to see your teacher working as a clerk in a store when school was out for summer break. I liked the majority of my teachers and even then I felt they were underpaid. But when I was in High School I started to asked them why did you become a teacher? Now a couple males teachers said they became teachers to keep from going to Vietnam but they as well as the rest of the male and female teachers said because they love teaching and that they don’t teach because of the money or the benefits or the respect because there isn’t any. But it was because they really love to teach. But I wonder about many teachers today. I’m sure there are those who love teaching but would many of them today be willing to do it if it was 20 plus years ago.
Anyway let’s get back to the Tea Party thing.
“In a recent interview with Talking Points Memo, Levin said of his plans, "Our goal is that whenever a Tea Partier says 'Barack Obama was not born in America,' we're going be right there next to them saying, 'Yeah, in fact he wasn't born on Earth! He's an alien!'"
Mr. Levin seems to have a problem Birthers whom some go to Tea Parties but Mr. Levin what about liberal 9/11 Truthers? Will you going stand up to a Truther as well? Personally I don’t waste my time with either one. Until there is real evidence and not conspiracy theory I have more important things to worry about. Are all Tea Party members Birthers? I doubt it.
Look whackos show up to all political events. They show up liberal events and conservative events and everywhere in between. So will a racist or far right nut show up to a Tea Party? I have no doubt they will, but is the Tea Party sexist, anti-Semitic, anti-gay and racist? I’m sure many on the left will say yes, and there are certain members of the media and liberal bloggers that have been working hard to find any little thing that they can use to discredit the Tea Party but yet just can’t seem to bring them down. The Washington Times did interview at least three people “whom are black”.
“The Washington Times caught up with several health care bill protesters, all three of whom are black, and asked their thoughts on the allegations regarding the racial epithets.
Bill Owens Jr., a Tea Party Express leader from Las Vegas, said he did not experience or witness any racial hostility.
"I had a chance to be among these people. It's not about pigmentation. You have race issues going on all the time; however, I'm not seeing anything significant from these rallies. It's just not there," he said. "Does a person find a racist once in a while? . . . Sure, you find that anywhere. These people are concerned about the issues of where you stand, not what color you are."
Charlene Freedman, a health care bill protester from New Jersey, has been to Washington four times, since she first attended the 9/12 rally. When asked if she witnessed or heard any racial hostility from the crowd, she said: "Absolutely not . . . just well-wishers. I didn't see color. They didn't see my color. We're just American citizens, and we're here to say, 'Keep America free.' I’ve heard nothing about racism . . . nothing at all."
Jay Jarbo came to the health care protest from Atlanta and explained: "I just want to see them follow the Constitution, and they're not doing that. Anyone that tries to throw around the racial thing, just squash it, because this has nothing to do with race. I haven't heard anyone say anything about race at any one of these events," Mr. Jarbo said. "Honestly, this is the type of thing people bring up to distract from the real issues, and it's always about race in this country, and its always the last card in the deck that everyone plays."
Just to make clear I’m not a Tea Party member but I do agree with some of the things they state that they are for; like lower taxes and smaller government. But I’m a moderate or independent Republican. So Republicans would call me a RINO “Republican In Name Only”, all because I don’t vote straight Republican. But that’s my right as an American.
Mr. Levin should think about this. If some racist right wing loon shows up to a Tea Party gathering spout hateful things but now thanks to Mr. Levin the Tea Party can excuse them as some liberal infiltrator. Oh well, “The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley”