
Saturday, September 15, 2012

America the Hated

Yea we get it the Middle East hates us, Muslims hate us. Yeah, yeah we suck.

Strange thing is during the Arab Spring protests America was loved by the protesters then 18 months later America is hated and all this over a film that was at the time virtually unknown in America. I guess people in the Middle East and Africa are used to living in countries where the government control film making so of course they think the US Government must have given the okay of the making of the film. So much for their school’s education of World Government courses.

So let’s see, an anti-Muslim film creates in the Middle East and Africa anti-American protests, attacks on American embassies and the murder of 4 Americans including a US Ambassador which none of these 4 Americans had anything to do with the film. Yet in America with the attack of US embassies, the murder of 4 Americans including a US Ambassador everyone just goes on with their day. Including our President who went to a fund raiser and a had campaign speech that opens with “So I wanted to begin tonight by just saying a few words about a tough day that we had today”. Tough day? Attack of an embassy and the murder of 4 innocent Americans including an Ambassador is just a “tough day”. Wow.

There was a time which the murder of Ambassador could be considered an act of war, particularly if hosting country doesn’t stop it or bring the perpetrators to justice. Question is are Muslim extremist behind some of these attacks either overtly or covertly and using the anti-Muslim film to flame the fire.  No doubt that many of these countries have some kind of knowledge of the groups that are fanning the flames and making plans. I know many of these countries are now trying to protect our embassies and gently bring an end to the protest, but I believe it’s not because they like America but they like America’s money. 

Perhaps it’s time to close our embassies in those countries that hate us and kick out ambassadors and diplomats from counties that hate us. Cut off financial aid to those countries and even revoke visas. I’m not saying that we go to the extent of Ron Paul and becoming isolationist. All the money that we sink into countries that hate us could go to paying down our deficit, rebuilding our economy or provide aid to countries that want our friendship. Let Russia and China support those countries that hate us and see how long until the Muslim extremist turn on them.       

As for oil, we need to buy from Canada and look for oil within our own boarders and become the Saudi Arabia of natural gas. We need to continue to work on alternative energy and fuel efficiently.

Maybe it’s time that America to take care of its own domestic issues and deficit and be more supportive of its true friends and allies in the world.