Welcome to my Blog.
Currently I’m still constructing my blog but in the near future I plan to be discussing many topics that interest me, such as History, Cultures, Politics, News, Internet and other subjects. Basically trying to get thoughts and rants out of my head and hopefully I won’t end up with writers block.
Please check back in the near future and see what happens.
Universal Realist
The best way to enjoy a blog is to build a community. In my case Warren and I formed a little group that left Bad Eagle.
People have come in and out.
I try to make the site fun. Every once and a while I do interviews, book reviews, satire and sometimes non political stuff with the Duck.
The Duck and I have been having a running dialogue for about seven years.
Thank you Beak. I do really enjoy reading your blog. It is fun.
I very much appreciate the advice. I'm new to this blogging thing. I’m still trying to learn how the board works. So any advice or tips are welcome.
Also the funny thing is I usually have all kind of things I would like to write about or discuss rolling through my head but I seem to develop writers block. It figures.
Anyway please drop in once in a while maybe I’ll have something worth commenting on.
Plus I hope you don’t mind me chiming in at your blog time to time.
Thanks again for commenting it gave me a chance to work the publish comment board and see if everything is working ok.
On a side note it is amazing how many of us ex-BE members are floating around.
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