This site is run by a guy named David Yeagley who is part Comanche on his mother's side and European ancestry on his father side in other words Yeagley is part Indian and part white. He is an enrolled member of Comanche Tribe but did not grow up on or lives on the Comanche Rez. He is also a follower of the Seventh Day Adventist and is a far right conservative who is totally fixated on race. He believes that races should not intermingle sexually and that whites in America should be the masters and decide what is best for America particularly WASP’s or Evangelical Christians. He even talks about the Great White Throne. Not sure what that is, maybe a toilet?
On his Blog he recently wrote a post titled “No More Nazis, Please” dated March 12, 2010. Now as a follower of history I found it hilarious. He basically tries to portray Hitler as a man with good ideas who lost his way and got off track. But this is typical for Yeagley to get more wrong than right.
He goes on to talks about the Celts. Apparently Celts only have red hair and that they were the true Aryan people. He refers to the Celts as a race. Well, the Celts were not so much a race as in physical identity but a people that shared a common culture, religion and language. Now my understanding is according to Nazi mythology Aryans were blond hair blue eyes and of Nordic origins. Well Celts were not Nordic, they were in central Europe and the British Isles. I believe the Nazis were trying to tap into the Viking thing. The Nazis wanted to be the new Vikings. But what is funny is that Yeagley admires the Scots but has little respect for the Irish and they were both Celts. As of today Yeagley posted on his Blog a commentary on the Irish which I will comment on in another post.
The odd thing is Yeagley profess his love for the Jewish people but yet portrays Hitler as either misunderstood or as a man who started off with a good idea about nationhood but went off track. What I can't understand is how do you say you love the Jewish people and say that the Holocaust was the only real act of genocide but yet quote or referred to Mein Kampf and even once with a link to a Hitler praising/Holocaust denial site. Such as this post called “The Hated White Race” June 16, 2009 Yeagley wrote,
“It seems Hitler had a point when he referred to “the hated white race.” (Mein Kampf, p.325.)”Really Yeagley what is your fascination with Hitler and Mein Kampf?
Another funny one was his post called “Jihad Jane: Ultimate Muslim Trophy” March 11, 2010 on the American female terrorist knows as “Jihad Jane”. Because she is white blond and blue eyed which in Yeagley’s mind is the ideal physical representation of the white female. And because she became a Muslim and other white blond women are having relation with non-white men, he believes that the white race is dead. Yes that’s right, if you’re a white women with black or brown hair you are apparently not really white. I guess in his eyes you’re a lesser white. Kind of explains his love for Ann Coulter. Now I love the one statement he made in that post. Yeagley said, “If I were a white man,” Well wasn’t your father white? This at least makes you a half white man. So you are choosing not to be white. If you are so proud of the white race and so concern about it why not be honest and declare at least being half white?
One time he posted this article about how two young blond white girls who sang pro-white race songs and he was outraged that they criticized and were condemned for their songs and he posted picture of them. Well as soon as you saw the picture of these girls that were wearing tee shirts with the Have a Nice Day Smiley Face with a Hitler’s mustaches on it. Plus after you read the article you knew exactly that these girls were promoting white supremacist beliefs and members at his own site pointed it out to him, he just continued to defended them as not promoting Nazi beliefs. But only after he apparently he posted about this at another site and it was pointed out how wrong he was, he then quickly recants his support for these little white blond girls. He pleaded ignorance and explained that he didn’t read the whole article. Oh please, you post the picture with Hitler Smiley Faces on their shirts that was pretty clear what they were about. I still get a good laugh out of that.
But that’s what he does when caught, he pleads ignorance and that he is naïve. Yea ok, whatever. You know there is nothing wrong with loving ones owns race, it’s when you begin to hate other races or believe your race is superior to all others is when it becomes a problem.
I’ll give him credit though, he is good at writing things in a way that allows him to back peddle and wiggle out of being accused of anything or he simple pleads ignorance. Brilliant if I must say.
Another hilarious thing is that if you do argue with him and he can’t win he just stops posting or start talking in circles. But what typically happens is one of his loyal members, which are becoming less and less of, will take over the conversation and talk in circles or will simple just insult you depending on who it is.
What Yeagley fails to understand is that the so call white race has never been one big happy white family and never will. We are made up of different cultures and more importantly different individuals who have and will always have different opinions and views. We have probably had more wars with each other and killed more of our own over the centuries than with others.
So with his stereotyping of race, his fixation on race and inaccurate understanding of history all I can say is, No More Yeagley, Please! I can barely catch my breath from laughing my ass off.
Greetings to you UR. I am a former BEholic, though I don't remember your avatar from there. The racial stereotyping got to be too much for me. I just perused his blog on the Irish and St. Patrick's Day. I was stunned by some of the things that were written. There were elements of truth in some of it (e.g. the harsh treatment of the Irish in 19th century), but the final conclusions always swerve into canned stereotypes of Celts and the Irish in particular. Then the stuff about Celts being the real "Aryan race"(sigh)"Aryan" just describes the root of a broad language group. "Aryan" as a "race" was constructed by elitist English eugenicists, who in turn passed that concept down to German Nazis. There never was an Aryan race. Anyway, that kind of stuff convinced me it was time to leave. A brief return a couple of years ago didn't last too long for the same reason.
Thanks Alligator for your comments.
Yes I remember you well at BE. You made a lot of humorous post at BE. Also many wonderful post on Indians that were very informational. Of course it seemed Yeagley didn’t want to engage much on that kind of stuff with you, but I enjoyed reading it. I think you and I left for the same reasons.
Yes I saw that post he did on St. Patrick’s Day. It’s was an amazing piece of stereotyping rubbish. I plan to address some of that in a future post.
His recent revelations on the Aryans were the Celt is one of the funnies things I’ve read. It’s a shame that there is no one left at BE to straighten him out. Not like he would listen. I’m not an expert on Ayrans, Nazi mythology, WWII or Germany for that matter so I have a limited understanding in those areas. But I have studied the Celts and Irish and I have never heard of that assumption. I didn’t know he had a degree in Anthropology, I thought his degrees were in Music and Theology.
Anyway Gator please drop in anytime and always feel free to teach me something. Unlike Yeagley I can admit I don’t know everything and even get things wrong at time. Plus unlike BE if I post something you disagree with feel free to say so and explain why, I will post it and not delete it. I know at BE you were always a respectful poster.
Please drop in again!
Guys, he went all the way from eccentric via tedious and vile to stark barking mad. His latest howler is so rock-hard, intransigent-, impermeab-, impenetrab-, impervious-, dense- and massively dumb that it defies belief.
"Recently, I have acknowleged the view that the foundational Aryan race is not Teutonic, but Celtic. I have looked more and more into this, and considering the available information, I’m more or less convinced. I herewith declare unanimous-, unambiguous- and authoritatively that the earth is flat."
Well Editrix if anyone would know if the earth is flat it would be him. He fell off the edge of it a while ago.
Thanks for posting please keep dropping by. I will hopefully have a review about his St. Patrick’s Day post by the end of the weekend.
"Yes that’s right, if you’re a white women with black or brown hair you are apparently not really white. I guess in his eyes you’re a lesser white. Kind of explains his love for Ann Coulter."
Not really. Have a look at Coulter's roots. I'd say it's her utter coldheartedness, complete lack of female shape and the Adam's apple. There is this Diane von Fürstenberg he so reveres. She looks even more like a drag queen. C'mon! That one is, like Coulter, as feminine as Dzenghis Khan. You men are so naive! ;-)
He does have a very strange taste in "women". Doesn't he?
Well, it depends for what one needs women. An ogre may have a "strange taste" in women as well, but to him his taste makes sense. Our valiant warrior likes them crying ("A woman in tears is a wonderful thing."), miserable and preferably dead. He couldn't get enough from that poor pathetic hussy Anna Nicole Smith.
He knows how to manipulate and hurt them too, does it with poor Betty Ann all the time, and I think the "Ethiopian seer" was a calculated barb targeted at that Kidist who hates to be associated with "ethnic" stuff. Good for her that she didn't respond. He had nothing but open contempt for the Indian women. Amerind is a mathematician, she could run rings round him and his daft "musicology" degree.
Look at his latest! There is Annie Coulter trying to muster up the semblance of a CLEVAGE! It looks somewhat like that.
The_Editrix said...
Look at his latest! There is Annie Coulter trying to muster up the semblance of a CLEVAGE! It looks somewhat like that.
I’ll be back to comment once I get my breath back.
Too funny, Thank you.
Ooops! That's CLEAVAGE, of course!
The_Editrix said...
Our valiant warrior likes them crying ("A woman in tears is a wonderful thing."), miserable and preferably dead. He couldn't get enough from that poor pathetic hussy Anna Nicole Smith.
Yea and it’s not just Anna Nicole Smith but he seems obsessed with Pam Anderson as well. He has something for the Blonds with large breasts. Well, accept Ann.
The_Editrix said...
He knows how to manipulate and hurt them too, does it with poor Betty Ann all the time,
I always wondered who had who wrapped around who’s finger.
The_Editrix said...
and I think the "Ethiopian seer" was a calculated barb targeted at that Kidist who hates to be associated with "ethnic" stuff. Good for her that she didn't respond.
I’m surprised that she figured it out. I guess I didn’t give her enough credit.
The_Editrix said...
He had nothing but open contempt for the Indian women. Amerind is a mathematician, she could run rings round him and his daft "musicology" degree.
It seems so. Not to many of the Indian ladies stayed to long.
Wow! Amerind is a name I haven’t heard in a while. Did she leave on her on or was she ran off or banned because she dared to disagree with the Great One? I seem to remember her as pretty liberal in her views but she wasn’t rude and more than willing to discuss it. Most of the time he wasn’t intelligent, knowledgeable or just wrong in his arguments so he would just dismiss her as a liberal and therefore no point discussing it with her.
The_Editrix said...
and I think the "Ethiopian seer" was a calculated barb targeted at that Kidist who hates to be associated with "ethnic" stuff. Good for her that she didn't respond.
UR said...
I’m surprised that she figured it out. I guess I didn’t give her enough credit.
Well, maybe I gave her too much credit and she just didn't see it.
The_Editrix said...
He had nothing but open contempt for the Indian women. Amerind is a mathematician, she could run rings round him and his daft "musicology" degree.
UR said...
It seems so. Not to many of the Indian ladies stayed to long.
Wow! Amerind is a name I haven’t heard in a while. Did she leave on her on or was she ran off or banned because she dared to disagree with the Great One? I seem to remember her as pretty liberal in her views but she wasn’t rude and more than willing to discuss it. Most of the time he wasn’t intelligent, knowledgeable or just wrong in his arguments so he would just dismiss her as a liberal and therefore no point discussing it with her.
I largely agree with your assessment, although I think she appeared more liberal than she really is in contrast to Yeagley. He was shit scared of her. Maybe she was banned (contrary to what the little swine says he IS technology savvy enough to ban people) but I think she was bored as well. Lovely lady!
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