Remember a week ago everyone was in a panic that if we did get the debt ceiling increased passed we were going to be downgraded? So after days of name calling along and negotiations and at the eleventh hour our government pass a bipartisan bill that would save us from debt ceiling apocalypse.
Well, what happen? The S&P downgraded us from AAA to AA rating because of our spending and we did cut enough spending in the bill. Our geniuses were able to offer up 2 trillion cut but apparently unaware S&P wanted 4 trillion cut. Oops!
This administration just doesn’t understand. I know President Obama wants European style of socialism but I guess President Obama also wanted European style debt rating as well.
Nice job guys. You know we wouldn’t want a balance budget or anything.
Let this poor simple guy give you in Washington a few suggestions.
1. Balance the budget.
2. Cut spending. Congress and the President could start with taking a 25% cut in pay. Then stop the earmarks, pet project funding and keep cutting everything even office supplies and make Social Security, Medicare and military the last to be looked at for cuts.
3. Flat income tax.
4. A .5% to 1% national sales tax. So we can get taxes from underground economies legal or illegal.
5. Lower the corporate tax to compete with other countries but make it flat tax with no loopholes or extensions.
6. Loosen up on regulation and paperwork that stifle the creation of small business.
7. Get away from banks and get them wanting to loan again.
8. Stop bailing out failed States. They need to learn to budget themselves.
9. Stop funding research studies such as Chinese hookers drinking, penises, pig farts and so on. Look if they can’t get private funding then nobody cares.
10. Maybe get rid of Fanny Mae & Freddy Mac.
I’m sure I could go on and I'm not saying these are good ideas but at least they're something.
Stop the politics and the parties ideologies and begin to represent the country.
1 comment:
So when President Obama finally came out to address the economy and the downgrading by the S&P just before before 2pm eastern time as he spoke the DJIA drop 450 point and then the DJIA drop below 600points shortly after he finish.
Way to build confidence Mr. President.
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