So another GOP primary debate is done or what I call Republican Playoffs.
I must say not thrilled with anyone except maybe Newt Gingrich. It’s funny that at the end of most of the debates commentator will say that Gingrich is the smartest one in the room but then go on and talk about whether Perry or Romney and now Cain and which one won or lost the debate. But if Newt is the smartest in the room shouldn’t that mean he won?
Then again during these debates isn’t really about the best debater but about putting on a show and have everyone go after the front runner it almost like a watching TV wrestling Battle Royal match. These debates should be called Debate Entertainment.
During these debates the moderators tend to focus on the front runners and basically leave the other contenders out. Instead of asking one question and allow everyone equal time to give their answers, they end up going off track because someone answers critiques one of the others then they give the person time to respond then the back and forth between goes on and the moderator ends up changing topics and the other people on stage doesn’t get a chance to answer the original question. Here is an idea let everyone answer the question then go back and people a chance to respond.
All I know is Newt seems to be the only adult at these debates and is considered the smartest one in the room.
So as you can tell I lean towards Newt but can Newt win the Republican nomination? Well that’s a tough one due to some of his baggage and the far right being based on idealism and not realism when it comes to their purity standards. But regardless of who is nominated the real question is who can win the Presidency?
No one can win with their base only. Yes each candidate need their base to stay loyal but to win you need to keep party moderates with you and you need as many Independence to come to your side. So as for electoral votes you need swing states and swing states aka purple states tend to have a majority of moderates or near equal Repubs and Dems and Indies. Which tends to mean though aren’t far right or far left when it comes to policies.
I’m sorry I don’t believe a far right can win against President Obama. President Obama make no mistake is a far left politician who tries to pretend to a center left politician. President Obama will have his far right support but if a Republican that is center right on social policies and a fiscal conservative with plans to change this country’s economic and job crisis around and can keep the base and the party moderates together plus get the majority of Independents to come over to the Republican side and if a Republican candidate even get a portion of moderate Dems like the Blue Dog Dems there would be no way for President Obama to win.
So wouldn’t one think that the smartest person in the room be the one to run against President Obama? Even though Newt probably won’t be the Republican nominee I just can help but think about how great it would be to see Newt debating President Obama.
UR for one thing, the Repubs are having too many debates. Something like 13 or 14? I think about 5 or 6 is enough to start figuring who to weed out.
Also, I wonder how much the party "machine" really determines who will be the nominee as opposed to all the straw polls and primaries. In the past 50-60 years in either party, it has usually been the one with the biggest war chest that got the nomination. Qualifications and public opinion be darned.
Maybe I am getting more cynical as election approaches?
I think your cynicism is warranted and you’re not alone.
Typically early straw polls never mean much and the importance they put on the early primaries don’t mean much either. I think when get to the South Carolina primary is when start to see a front runner. There has been plenty who at this time looked as the shoe in nominee only to be gone after SC primary of Florida.
One problem is the fracturing of the Republican Party this is not Regan’s Republican Party. I don’t care how much they say they still are, they're not.
My take on what happens in either party’s “Human Resources”:
So you want to be President. Well, we are very impress with your ideas on how to fix things and we really believe if implemented the Country would be a better place. But, I’ve been looking over your resume and unfortunately you’re over qualified. Also you don’t project the image we are looking for. So there will be no need to look at Facebook page and we thank you for coming in.
One thing I've noticed about the Republican field - they are tearing each other apart worse than they are going after the Democrats. Perry and Romney are like two tom cats meeting in an alley. Bachamnn is claiming that Perry is clandestinely sabotaging her campaign. They are all ganging up on Cain since he has been gaining support.
I understand they are opponents right now, but what I want to hear from them is WHAT they are going to do for the economy, national defense, illegal immigration, health-care and how they view Constitutional liberties. I want to hear them emphasize THEIR ideas far more than I want to hear them tear down their fellow Republicans.
This is a great way to hand a victory to Obama in 12.
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