
Monday, September 27, 2010

Grettysburg Visit

Back in August I took a trip to Gettysburg Civil War Battlefield. I took some pictures with a disposable camera. Why a disposable camera you ask? Well because I'm a bad tourist, I forgot my good camera. Anyway I'm posting some pictures from that trip.

This is a map of the Battle of Gettysburg.

Now my pictures of my visit.

This is MacPherson Barn as we look to the west. In this area know as MacPherson Ridge just west of the city of Gettysburg.
This barn is where the Battle of Gettysburg began at 8am July 1st 1863 when Union calavry confronted Confederate infantry heading east. The barn I believe was turned into a makeshift hospital during the battle.

This picture is Eternal Light of Peace Memorial just north of the west end of the city.
This is located north of Macperson Barn. From this hill Confederates forces under the command of Maj General Robert Rodes attacked Union forces at MacPerson Ridge and Oak Ridge at 1pm July 1st 1863.

This a veiw looking to the south from Eternal Light of Peace Memorial towards MacPerson Ridge and Oak Ridge.

This is along Oak Ridge is north of the west end city of Gettysburg and south of the hill where the Eternal Light of Peace Memorial.
This is where Union forces held strong against Rodes attacks but by 3:30pm July 1st 1863 the Union lines began to fall apart here and at MacPherson Ridge. The Union had to fall back to the south of the city to an area known as Cemetery Ridge which is at the south east of the city.

After the first day of battle Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee felt confident that his 70,000 man force could take on the Union's Maj. General George G. Meade 93,000 man force.

This is a view from Confederate lines along Seminary Ridge looking towards Union lines at Cemetery Ridge. Confederates set up on Seminary Ridge on July 2nd 1863.
These are views looking south east across the field that on July 3rd 1865 that Picketts Charge took place. This is a  Confederate position north from where Picketts Charge began which would come from the right of the photos.

This is the Virgina Memorial.
From here Picketts charge began.

This is a view from Confederate lines of Lt. Gen. Longstreet on Warfield Ridge looking across area known as the Peach Orchards, the Wheatfields and Devil's Den. In the back ground are two hills. The big one on the right is known as Big Round Top the little one on the left is known as Little Round Top. The Union forces were position on these hills as well as in the Peach Orchards, the Wheatfields  the Devil's Den.
On July 2nd 1863 at 4pm Longstreet attacked Union forces in the the Peach Orchards, the the Peach Orchards, the Wheatfield's and Devil's Den. As well as trying to attack the undefended flanks of the Union troops on the Round Tops.

This is a view looking down from Little Round Top towards Devil's Den.

This is a view from the Wheatfields looking up at Little Round Top.

This is a veiw from Little Round Top looking towards the north west across the Wheatfields and Peach Orchards. The statue is Union Officer Brig. Gen. Warren who was Gen. Meade's chief engineer who was first to alert Union officers about Confederate movements which allow the Union to bring reinforcements to defend postions.

As Union was defending thier flanks at Little Round Top they were also defending thier north east side at Culp Hill and Spangler's Spring.

This is the Pennsylvania Memorial.
From this area at Cemetery Ridge on July 2nd 1863 Union artillery held the Union line alone until late in the day when Gen. Meade was able bring in reinforcements from Culp Hill and other areas to strengthen Union center positions along the line.

By dusk of July 2nd 1863 the Union forces were able to repell continuous assaults by Confederate forces.
On July 3rd 1863 Confederate forces in the late afternoon committed an all out right assault on Union center lines in what would be known as the High Water Mark. Confederates sent a 12,000 man force to attack the Union center this was known as Pickett's Charge.

By the end of this three day battle the estimate of casualties of killed, wounded, captured and missing vary but one estimate is; Union forces about 23,000 and Confederate forces about 28,000.

As I visited this hallow field I stood in awe it is almost incomprehensible to even know what it was like to be here at the time of battle I cannot imagine what it would be like to be a soldier during these three days having cannon firing and blasting craters and shrapnel flying in all directions only to shred any human near by. Bullets flying thru the air ripping the bark off of trees and tearing thru the flesh of your friends. To feel that you have know control over your own fate and only trusting in God whether you will survive or not. Today many of us would choose to run and feel no shame in it but at that times honor was everything you would not want to be a coward not only would it bring shame on you but you family as well. But even worst would be abandoning you friends in arms and yes the same friends you may have to watch die during battle.

I also can’t imagine just being a witness to these events. To live in the city of Gettysburg or in a near by farmhouse. To listen to cannon fire and rifles. To hear the yells and screams of the soldiers. To see the wounded, the dead and dying. To see a landscape stripped and scar. But not just the sights, the sound but also smells of gun powdered and decaying flesh of the dead. Then once all the soldiers leave you have to rebuild.

Truth is the Civil War should not just be defined by its battles and its Officers but by the men who fought it. The majority of soldiers were not rich or owned slaves and many of them were poor immigrants and new to this country. Slavery may be the cause that we accept today as the reason for the Civil War but there were many more reason other than the Civil War that brought men to these battles.

See Gettysburg Battlefield Map


Thursday, September 2, 2010

To be, or not to be an ape. That is the question.

This was a great article, "Is infidelity natural? Ask the apes", by Wendy Shalit, Special to CNN September 2, 2010.

Oh, I remember a time when comparing a human to an animal was an insult but now it’s a justification. I’m not going judge the act of infidelity. I’ve known friends who have cheated on a spouse. But they were honest and took responsibility for their action and let the chips fall where they may. Most cases it was an end to a marriage and in a few the marriage survived. Look we all have made bad choices in life at sometime or another. But now the scientific community is weighing in and saying that the cheater is not at fault, they are not responsible for their indiscretions. It’s an inherited instinct. They studied animals and since humans are animals the same rule apply, right? I think Wendy Shalit hit it on the head.
“Let's face it -- the new "science" of infidelity is just not very scientific. It certainly provides a convenient "out" to deny personal responsibility, but anyone who buys this "science" is missing out on the best parts of being human: the freedom that comes from self-control and the intimacy that can only come with commitment.”
If we are going to except that it is natural to behave like animals then what’s the point of the human brain. Why be given the ability to create, problem solve, reason or to think in concepts of right and wrong or good and evil? What about one of the things that separates from the animal, the ability to make choices? Perhaps, where scientists are thinking they are explaining our misbehaviors they are really finding out the truth, that we are de-evolving as a species.

It certainly seems the concept of responsibility and shame is dying out. Now it’s seems it’s more of a world of ego, narcissism and self-centeredness. More and more I see people thinking law/rules or just common courteously doesn’t apply to them. Stupidity and even drunkenness seems to be accepted now. But is this de-evolution, are we regressing? Or is this self will run riot and we are choosing to be like apes?

So when a person cheats on a spouse that person has chosen to for fill a desire of sex, animal can’t make those kinds of choices. Plus humans make plans. So when humans continue to cheat they make plans to do so. Animals don’t make plans. So for a person to use the excuse that scientific research has proven that they are not responsible for their infidelity or misbehavior. Well then are they saying they’re not capable to make choices? The only humans I know that have a no understanding of right from wrong or lack remorse or guilt are psychopaths or sociopaths.

I think it’s our minds that separate us from all other animals including apes, whether it is an act of God or we are a freak of nature, I’ll let you decide. It is said that we are created in God’s image, I think not so much in the physical sense but we are talking about ability to think and to create or destroy and that we have free will and freedom of choice from using are primitive instinct or not. Animals I believe don’t have that choice. Then again I sometimes stop and look around and think; Yea, we’re freaks of nature.

What it comes down to is choice, to be or not to be, an ape.

But you know sometimes I wish I was an ape-man.