
Monday, August 8, 2011

You Can Pay More Tax If You Want

I always love when a wealthy celebrities and liberals says taxes should be raised on the wealthy.

Let’s take Matt Damon. Apparently he doesn’t feel that he pays enough tax. Click and see the full video interview and the article of “Matt Damon on debt limit: ‘I’m so disgusted,’ ‘it’s criminal’ the wealthy are not paying higher taxes”
by Nicholas Ballasy July 30 (

Then there is Author Stephen King, apparently he also doesn’t feel he pays enough in taxes. See the article and video of “Stephen King Eloquently Rips Into the Tea Party, Taxes, Reagan” 3/10/11 from

First, I want to say I enjoy Matt Damon’s movie and Stephen King stories and I believe they are both very talented individuals and deserve every dime they make.

Now that being said, I wonder if they know that they can always pay more Federal or State taxes. There is no law saying you can’t pay more tax if you want.

This is how it works. You do your taxes and if you don’t think you are paying enough tax then you simply write out a bigger check. Now if the IRS sends it back saying you over paid then you send it back and say keep it. But most wealthy celebrities have accountants and the accountant’s job is to save the client money in the form of paying fewer taxes by using deduction, tax credits, write offs and finding loopholes. Now all the wealthy celebrity has to do is tell their accountant that they want to pay more tax and just tell them not to take any deduction, tax credits, write offs and loopholes. Of course the accountant might think your crazy but as long as you have enough money to pay them they should do it.

So it’s pretty simple, but the question is will wealthy liberals who think the rich should pay more taxes take the lead and voluntarily pay more taxes? Or do they feel it’s the government’s job to force them? Why should you feel that if you want to pay more tax that the government should come take it, why not just give it if you feel you owe more?

Here are other ways to give the Federal government more money.

1. How the Obamas (and the Guilty Left) Can Pay More Taxes

2. Gifts to the United States

Even if you live in a State that has no income tax you can give the State money or if State tax is based on property tax you can cut a bigger check.

Maybe if all the wealthy Liberals in this country voluntarily pay more taxes maybe then the “evil” rich will feel that they should too. But don’t be a hypocrite and only be willing to be paying more tax when it’s a Democrat in the Whitehouse but not if it’s a Republican.

So to all you wealthy Liberals and Celebrities liberals, even though I believe in your right to freedom of speech but there is an old saying; “You can talk the talk but can you walk the walk.” Or maybe this one is more appropriate; “Either put up or shut up.”



Alligator said...

I feel the same way about celebrity opinions on taxes as I do about about "going green." For instance Al Gore complains about everyone's "carbon footprint" but it was demonstrated that his multiple homes and private jet flights left a bigger carbon footprint than any dozens of homeowners. Then there is Robert Redford who is touted as "Mr. Ecology" and yet he owns a fleet of SUVs.

Now we have the president excoriating the rich, and within a couple of days, people are paying $38,500 a piece for a ticket to the president's birthday bash. For another $10,000 you could get your picture with him.

The United States Senate is a millionaire's club. The biggest, richest corporations in the USA got bailouts under TARP and then later added stimulus money. They also happen to be the biggest political contributors. Then like GE, they get sweetheart deals from the government and don't have to pay corporate income taxes.

So here we are, working stiffs that feel blessed to make $50,000 - $60,000 a year or small businessmen grossing less than $250,000 (netting little after expenses)and we have to endure, ENDURE, self-righteous pontification about the need to pay more taxes from people who don't pump their own gas, don't change their own oil in their car, don't go to grocery store, don't balance their check book because they have people to do it for them. For them, paying another two to five thousand dollars a years for inflated commodities and taxes means nothing. Its chump change. For the rest of us, its devastating.

Just who do these uber-wealthy celebs and politicians think they are scamming? This is just a real life shell game. They need to lead by EXAMPLE BEFORE they start preaching to me about what I need to do or what this country needs.

And historically, every tax increase in this country has effected everyone, not just the "wealthy" who still manage to find loopholes or who can park their assets in overseas accounts. In the meantime, SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE MATT DAMON!

Universal Realist said...

Gator, your spot on.

I think many of the wealthy liberals have rich guilt, especially those who come from nothing. They want to think they still fit in the old neighborhood even though the own at least two different place on each coast and can vacation in France or anywhere in the world or not actually not work for long periods of time if they choose. In other words live a life that regular working stiffs can’t.

Gore’s case he did nothing but to be born into wealth and in Gore’s case I believe his family made their fortune from strip mining in Tennessee but it seems that he pretends to suffers not only from rich guilt but environmental guilt. You’re right about the hypocrisy regarding the carbon footprint he leaves behind.

By the way Gore could have beat Bush if he could had only won his home State of Tennessee, apparently they though he was good enough to be a Senator (of course they had no say about being VP except if they voted against Clinton) but they didn’t think he was good enough to be President.

These people make millions a year and tend to spend it cars, houses, clothes, jewelry and vacations. I’m sure they give to charities but I’m sure they write it off to. But imagine if some movie actor makes 25million in a year and instead of buying a multimillion dollar home but bought themselves a $500,000.00 home in an upper middle class neighborhood with maybe a $5,000.00 to $9,000.00 a year property tax and own a $24,000 dollar car and shopped at Target or even just up scale department store like Bloomingdale or something. Just imagine how much money they would have left over to give to the poor.

Plus if actors would stop getting paid millions of dollars per movie maybe theater prices would be cheaper.